March 12, 2012

and..... I said YES

A year ago today, Ryan asked me to be his wife and of course.... I SAID YES! I can't believe this journey has already been a year. A year of engagement and marriage and it's been so much fun.

If you haven't heard our proposal story... click here!

Yesterday, we decided to revisit the proposal site and immediately I was flooded with the memories of our special day that it brought me to tears. It's funny because I remember a year ago driving to this shopping center and parking in front of this shop. A WEDDING SHOP!

How ironic! A year later... it's still there with the bride in the front window.

Our Walk

I'm EXCITED to be there!

The rest of the evening was spent at "The Melting Pot" for dinner.
Thanks to our friends Kelly and Justin our dinner was covered! THANK YOU!

It was PERFECT!!
I couldn't wait for the best part-----DESSERT!

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