January 27, 2012

Dr. Marky Mark

In this lifetime, I've had many role-models and inspirations that have led me to my current path. My cousin, Mark is one of my best friends and we've always been close. Since, he is older he's always been someone I look up to or go to for guidance. I can still remember his going away party when he was leaving for medical school. It seemed like it was just yesterday. I also can remember his graduation from medical school and that seemed like it was just yesterday. Gosh time flies.

Now..... He's in Haiti.

As I like to call him--Dr. Marky Mark is currently in Haiti treating the ill and needy with his wisdom. What an amazing GIFT! Every day he has been posting on Facebook about his daily experiences and his postings are heart-wrenching. It makes you appreciate the life we have here and all the blessings we have been given.

Dr. Marky Mark is one of my role models and I love him dearly. He is such an inspiration! He's saving lives and that alone is amazing. I pray for safety while he is there and a safe trip back.


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