August 3, 2011


Today, Ryan and I received a package from my very good friend, Rachel. I opened the UPS box and found this Tiffany's box. Who doesn't like getting Tiffanys? We opened it and came upon this beautiful vase. Thank you Rachel & Stephen for our beautiful wedding gift. We can't believe we are already getting wedding gifts. I guess the wedding will be here before we know it.

Rachel and I have been friends since the age of 10 years old. I can't believe it's been that long. She has always been there for me and I will always treasure her friendship. Have you ever had a friend that you can go months without talking to and months later start exactly where you left off. That's us! We always have so much to talk about and our conversations are always hours long. I'm sad to say Rachel won't be at the wedding. Trust me she would be there in a heart beat if she could. She's a lawyer and just landed an amazing new job in Miami. The job starts right around the wedding time. CONGRATS RACHEL!!!! Timing didn't work in our favor but I know she will be there in spirit.

She's going to kill me for posting this photo. This is us at our 8th grade dance.
This photo is old too! It was taken 6 years ago.
Bridge, Rachel, Kelly

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