April 15, 2012

Learning things while sick

These past few days, I've been fighting a sore throat and typical cold symptoms. It's been very hard to just sit in the house all day and rest. I'm the not the type of person that likes to rest or even sit in one place for very long. The lack of activity was extremely boring and TV can only entertain for so long. Yesterday, my boredom reached a new level so I sent Ryan to Joann's to buy needles and yarn.

I decided while resting to learn how to knit. You could say watching YouTube videos on knitting 101 is an effective way to learn the trade, but I can honestly say it's been soooo hard to learn how to knit but soooo much fun! To all my friends that knit, any advice? My product so far isn't anything to be proud of, but it's a start.

Also, if you're reading this and fighting a sore throat I would highly recommended warm water, lemon, and honey. My doctor had recommended it to me and I've been drinking it around the clock. It's become one of my favorite drinks. Who knew?!

Today, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Wohooo!! Busy week ahead and I'm looking forward to it.

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